Twinning With Tuffe

Allington and Sedgebrook are twinned with Tuffé in Sarthe in the Pay de la Loire region of France, approximately 26 km from the regional capital, the beautiful Medieval city of Le Mans and about 159 km from Paris.

Tuffé is an attractive little town with a good camp site, with lots of leisure activities, including canoeing, riding, walking, cycling, fishing, etc. There is also a lovely lake with a man made beach.

Tuffé is famous throughout the region for its Comice Agricole (agricultural show), held in August. This takes place over a Saturday and Sunday, concluding with a magnificent show of fireworks and music. Visitors to Tuffé can be assured of a friendly welcome. Pop in and take a look at the Church of St Pierre and do not forget the Abbayé Notre-Dame, restored in recent years and now used for story telling evenings, exhibitions etc

L' Abbaye Notre-dame de Tuffé

One of the most interesting towns in the region, and well worth a visit, is La Ferté-Bernard, lying about 13 km from Tuffé. It is very picturesque with its Medieval houses and waterways of the Huisne river and canals. Apart from a weekly market, with everything you could possibly wish to buy, the town has many attractive and interesting features including the historic gateway into the medieval centre, numerous carefully restored medieval houses, the impressive Church of Notre-des-Marais and, in contrast to this magnificent gothic building, the little 12th century Chapel of Saint-Lyphard, beautiful in its simplicity.

Le Mans, of course, is best known for its 24 hr race each year. If cars and motor racing are not for you it is best to avoid visiting Le Man in the middle of June. Le Mans, known as Cité Plantagenet has a wonderful old town is well worth the visit. For history buffs, it was here that Geoffrey Plantagenet married Matilda, daughter of Henry 1 of England and gave birth to Henry II. If you want to explore Le Mans, bear in mind, unlike the medieval quarters of many cities in France, that of Le Mans is completely separated from the modern day town and lies high above it.

Current Arrangements

The twinning arrangements with Tuffé are currently in a period of transition. It is hoped to revive the regular annual visits and establish a new Twinning Committee.

More information is available from Susan Ashby, Chair (0777 3721445)


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