
A New Website

Allington's first village website appeared in early 2011. The photo shows an excerpt from the home page in late 2012. The original catalyst for the development of the site was the first village plan, the predecessor of the current community led plan.

This latest version of the site sees it moving to a new domain and a focus on new and varied content. There will be opportunities for community contributions and new ideas to improve the site will always be considered.

The Road Map

This website will always be a work in progress. Some core elements have carried over from the previous site. In particular the community groups have a similar presence. Any village group can have a page on the site so if you feel something is not properly represented here, do get in touch.

News remains vital to the site. In many ways it had been the lack of news that had led to the stagnation of the previous site. So the news will get a refresh and will start to include articles about things to do nearby, and local history. It will certainly work better if community contributions are forthcoming. If you have an idea for an article or news story or would like to submit something please let me know.

Other ideas include offering fee free advertorial for local, Allington based businesses, the creation of a Visit Allington section and information about the local property market.

When the site was initially launched it became a popular place to promote events via news items and the village calendar. News items have continued to offer this opportunity but the calendar fell by the wayside. It is intended to revive the calendar and make it the focal point of a new What's On page.

About Me

My name is John Slater and I run this site on a voluntary basis. I have lived in Allington, with my partner, Mandy, for 35 years. Our four children went to school here and I have always taken an active interest in village affairs. If anyone would like to get in touch about the site please email me at john@allington.uk

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