Old Dower House Chutney

A Recipe From Allington W.I.

Contributed by: Delia Smith! (and well tested and enjoyed by the Jackson family).


1.5 lbs (700g) plums, preferably Victoria
8oz (225g) green or red tomatoes
8oz (225g) onions
1.5 lbs (700g) cooking apples weighed after coring and quartering, about 2lb (900g) to start with
1lb (450g) stoned raisins
4oz (110g) ginger preserved in syrup
1/4 oz (5g) finely chopped garlic
1 pint (570ml) malt vinegar
1.5 lb (700g) Demerara sugar
1.5 tablespoons salt
1/4 oz (5g) whole dried chilli peppers


Wash, half and de-stone plums. Chop tomatoes roughly. Put tomatoes and plums into large preserving pan.
Pass onions, apples, raisins and ginger through a mincer or chop finely in a food processor, add to the pan with the chopped garlic, vinegar, sugar and salt. Tie chillies in a gauze with string and suspend them in the mixture from the handle of the pan.
Cook very slowly for 1-1.5 hours, stirring occasionally especially near the end, until most of the liquid has evaporated. Drag a wooden spoon through it, if it leaves a channel imprinted on top for a few seconds without filling up with vinegar then it’s done.


Put into hot sterilised jars while chutney is still hot, seal with waxed discs and tight lids. Label when cold.

3 thoughts on “Old Dower House Chutney”

    1. Mrs Betty Graham

      I used to make this every year in the 1990s and I used malt vinegar or white vinegar. Also the dried fruit ca be changed if you want. I have even used dried dates.As long as you keep proportion of fruit to sugar and vinegar consistent you will be Ok.

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