Moorland Moggy Ginger Cake

A Recipe From Allington W.I.

Contributed by: Pam Jackson.


  • 175g/6oz caster Sugar
  • 175g/6oz butter
  • 3 eggs well beaten
  • 1 small jar Stem Ginger
  • 225g/8oz self Raising flour
  • 4 level teas ground ginger
  • 1 level tbsp. ground almonds
  • 1 tbsp black treacle
  • 2 tbsp milk


Butter and line a 7” round or square cake tin.
Pre-heat oven to 170C/325F/gas mark 3

Cream butter and sugar together and slowly add the well beaten egg.
Add a little flour if the mixture starts to curdle.
Fold in 3 tbsp of ginger syrup from the jar of stem ginger. Add the treacle
Sift the flour and ground ginger and slowly fold this into the cake mixture.
Mix in the ground almonds and milk.
For an extra gingery flavour add four pieces of chopped stem ginger, this can be omitted if you wish.
Pour mixture into the cake tin and bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 45-50 minutes until the cake is firm to touch and well risen.
Turn onto a rack and leave to cool then decorate with lemon icing.

Lemon Icing
225g/8oz icing sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice
Ginger & walnut pieces to decorate if desired

Sift the icing sugar and mix with enough lemon juice until you have a thin consistency.
Spread the icing over the cake and decorate.


This ginger cake is delicious – just the job for bonfire night.

3 thoughts on “Moorland Moggy Ginger Cake”

  1. I have tried this recipe many times always with the same result. (I keep trying it as I love the flavour) It is always disappointing because it always sinks in the middle, quite drastically. (I originally had this recipe on a card that came with Yorkshire Tea)
    I make cakes regularly, am a confident cake maker and don’t have issues with cakes collapsing. What am I doing incorrectly, can you give advise. Are the ingredients at the correct proportions? You say 170 is this for a fan oven or conventional?

  2. Vickie Withington

    Yes! the flavour is delicious. I have passed your comment to Pam but may I comment as well? I made the cake and the picture with the recipe was the one I took after making- no sinking at all. I did cook it at 150 fan in the centre of the oven and I put it onto an already hot baking sheet. The only thing that I would do differently next time would be to cook it in an 8 inch diameter cake pan rather than the 7 inch.
    Thanks for reading our recipes, have you one you would like to add?

  3. I have made this cake so many times as it is a favourite of the family. Fortunately I have not suffered any sinking. Recently I have taken to baking this cake in a loaf tin. My oven is a gas fan oven and I always bake at 1 degree higher than the recipe. My I suggest you try a different size baking tin and a little hight temperature. Good Luck hope you get better results for this very tasty cake.

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